Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Silent Dog

The Silent Dog

By Joshua Gonzalez, Class of 2014
Charlotte, North Carolina

Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God. John 8:47

            Once there was a man who owned a dog. He and the dog were the absolute best of friends. Every day the man came home from work, the dog would greet him with loud, enthusiastic barks and would proceed to pounce on his owner. The man loved his dog dearly and always spent his time at work in a reverie, daydreaming about the moment he’d be able to go home and kick back with his canine friend.
            One day came, though, when the man’s job required him to leave on a business trip. The man, thinking of his dog, asked a friend to take care of his pet until he returned. The man was reluctant to leave his dog behind but he reconciled himself in knowing that his pooch was in good hands.
The days passed slowly for the man as he yearned to return to his dog. He could hardly contain himself at the thought of his hound saluting him with his happy barks and growls.
            Then his trip was over and the man could finally go to his friend’s house to pick up his dog. He knocked on the door and his friend opened the door. When the man’s dog came to welcome him, the man noticed something was wrong. His pet was silent. He had not received the usual noisy barks that were the norm. He asked his friend why his dog was so quiet and the friend replied,” You can thank me later for training your dog. He was so loud the neighbors complained, so I decided to whack him with a newspaper every time he barked. Needless to say, he’s pretty quiet now.”
            This is what many of us do to God. We get annoyed by His “barking” and tell Him to be quiet and go away. When He tries to show His love to us, we ignore Him although He only has our best interest at heart.
            In short, do not shun His loving voice, because, eventually, you may no longer hear it. Remember to keep your ears open for God and keep this little verse on your mind to remember this lesson.

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