Wednesday, July 24, 2013

God Blesses

God Blesses

By Bo Shelton, Class of 2013
Sanford, North Carolina

Your righteousness reaches to the skies, O God,
You who have done great things. Who, O God, is like You? Psalm 71:19

            Staring out of the foggy window of the airplane, I pondered briefly to myself what Africa would look like. From its arid deserts to the many green, vivacious rain forests, I knew it had to be something out of the ordinary. This was going to be the opportunity of a lifetime!
            During the Spring of 2010, I, along with many others from Mount Pisgah Academy, went to Kenya on a mission trip to Africa for two weeks. When we arrived at the airport in Nairobi, my interest in the trip took off like a rocket. As we embarked on a six hour journey across the exotic landscape to the camp, I pressed my nose up against the window taking in everything that I had once seen in a picture come to life.
            Once we got to our site, the activities included helping build a doctor's house and working with the children at the local schoolhouse. I was chosen to assist working on the doctor’s house and mixed concrete for the foundation. Aside from concrete being my best friend, I met a local boy named Raphael who I worked along with, and we became friends instantly. Going to town to pick up concrete, he'd tell me of the native culture and how he was a Seventh-day Adventist like most locals in the area. He would also tell me of the dangers of disease and wild animals that harmed locals. I quickly found out how different the people of Kenya lived compared to people in the United States. Children of all ages had to walk miles with the danger of a merciless terrain to receive an education and go to church. Food was limited and some would go hungry. Medical assistance and supplies were scarce to those who were weak and ill. Despite all the negative things taking place, the locals were happy unlike most people in America who are surrounded with endless luxuries we often take for granted.
            At that point, I realized the real reason why I had gone to Kenya. This grand experience has taught me how much I am blessed and has given  me an opportunity to express Jesus' love for humanity by creating somebody a home just as Jesus has in my heart. I have found life's greatest joy -- giving to others just as Jesus gave of Himself so that we too may live with the King of Kings.

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