Friday, July 26, 2013

Through it All

Through it All

By Kali Huskey, Class of 2014
Belton, South Carolina

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful.  He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted He will also provide a way out
so you can endure it.  1 Corinthians 10:13
            I was just like any normal ten year old.  I loved to play outside with the neighborhood kids and I loved jumping on the trampoline.  I loved being a kid. But I was going through something a ten year old should never have to go through; knowing I was going to lose my mom to cancer.
            I was extremely close to my mom. When I found out that she had cancer it hit me pretty hard because I knew that she was probably not going to make it. I never thought I would ever lose someone so close to me. She passed away May 23, 2007. That was a rough part of my life. But I was thankful because I still had my dad in my life.  I had been closer to my mom than my dad but after she passed away, he stepped in and played “Mr.Mom.”
            Unfortunately, he started having horrible headaches. Because the headaches persisted, he went to see a doctor. The doctor informed him that he had several brain tumors. He went to the hospital, and started radiation. The doctors didn’t expect him to leave the hospital. He didn’t let the cancer get the best of him, though; he fought that battle every day. He had his good days and his bad days, but he put a smile on for me.  He hated me seeing him hurt.
            He went into remission for a little while, but then the cancer came back, only this time worse. It had spread even more. I lost my dad on May 2, 2010.
            I realized that this wasn’t something I could just undo, but that this was something I had to work through. I’m so thankful that I have a sister and a brother-in-law that adopted me. They have taken me in as one of their own and have raised me to be the young woman I am today. And through all of this, I knew that God was on my side. He took care of me and helped me through every struggle. In every tragedy I’ve faced, I was not alone, knowing that God has helped me through it all.

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