Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Survivor

The Survivor

By Andrew Milliner, Class of 2014
Tampa, Florida 

The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

            Back about two years ago, my sister Emily decided to go as a student missionary to an island in the South Pacific. She spent ten months on the island of Ebeye teaching 3rd grade. Ebeye was about a mile long and only a few hundred yards wide. There were about 15,000 people living there.  Crazy, right!?
            One day when she was walking to school she saw a kitten lying on the side of the road; she thought it was dead. Later that day, on her way home from school she saw some kids kicking that same kitten. One thing you should know is that the people on Ebeye don't respect animals like we do in America. To her surprise, the kitten was still alive. She wasn't angry at the kids, but she was just upset that anyone would treat a poor kitten that way. She could not stand that kind of behavior towards animals so she picked up the kitten and took it home. By the time she rescued the kitten the kids had kicked sand in its eyes, and caused it to be blind. She took the kitten home and nursed him back to health.
            After her 10 month missionary trip was over, she brought the little kitty home to Florida. The kitty made a long journey from Ebeye to Hawaii, then to New York, and finally home to Florida.  It arrived home a few days after Emily did.
            While at home he learned how to do normal cat things, like use a litter box and not bite people.   Later he was neutered and actually had his eyes removed. (His eyes were constantly getting infected so the vet suggested they be removed. During the surgery, his eye balls and the muscles around his eyes were removed. Now he just looks like he is sleeping all the time.) Despite his lack of vision he can find his way around surprisingly well. He is now a loved member of our family (even though my dad is allergic.)
            My sister Emily was just trying to do something nice for a poor little kitten, but I know that God saw what she did, and it was like she rescued and nursed God Himself back to health. Doing something great for someone else does not have to be a huge deal. All God asks of us is that we reach out and see to the needs of the people and creatures around us. No matter how small the deed, God knows what you have done for Him. So next time you see someone in need don’t hesitate to lend a hand, because whatever you do for one of the least of these, you do for God.

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